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Kushbegi st.,18 100022 Tashkent
+998 71 250 52 21 Help Phone

Exchange development strategy:

  • improving the provision of material producers, farmers and entrepreneurs with material and technical resources, equipment, technologies, and, first of all, in the agro-industrial complex on a non-cash basis for the national currency - sum;
  • the organization of support of commodity producers, farms in the export of agricultural products produced or processed by them;
  • improvement of software and information support for the system of exchange and exhibition-fair electronic trading;
  • improvement of the system of settlement and clearing services for participants of exchange transactions;
  • development of inter-exchange links with the organization of inter-exchange trades in order to saturate the domestic market with material and technical resources, equipment, technologies at the best prices, with a reduction in the chain of intermediaries;
  • development of futures technologies with the purpose of hedging deals and protecting agricultural producers from price fluctuations;
  • introduction and improvement of electronic document management.


Year of foundation 1991. Republican Universal Agro-Industrial Commodity Exchange (RUAE) since 1992 is represented in the directory of world exchanges, since 1998 is a member of the Union of Commodity and Food Exchanges of CIS countries.


Kushbegi st, 18
100022 Tashkent city
How to find us
+998 71 250 52 21

+998 71 250 10 05