We can be
- Sell the goods for export
- Purchase goods for import holding settlements through the settlement (clearing) the House for the national currency - the sum
- study demand
- Make deals with the physical commodity (spot)
- Enter into futures, forward and options contracts
- Receive customs, transportation and advertising services
- Receive information on price quotes
- Be consulted on the export and import of goods, search for business partners, search for goods (works and services)
- Exhibit products and requests for Agro-Industrial Exchange website on the Internet.
- Implementation of agricultural and processed products.
- The implementation of all types of goods (works and services) producers and entrepreneurs in the domestic market and for export.
- Providing enterprises, commodity producers, farmers and entrepreneurs the necessary raw materials, materials, equipment, agricultural equipment, mini-technologies and other products.
- Promotion of domestic agricultural products, cooperating with the agribusiness exchange on international markets.
If this information interests you, use the services of the Republican Universal Agro-Industrial Exchange and its branches or become dealers and members of the exchange yourself!