Announcements for brokers
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Kushbegi st.,18 100022 Tashkent
+998 71 250 52 21 Help Phone

In accordance time.jpgwith order No. 08-01 / 2020-1-П of 08.01.2020, the trading time was changed: No changes were made at the first trading session. In the second trading session, the transfer was carried out from “15:30 - 17:30” to “14:30 - 16:30” From 01/13/2020, the trading time is as follows: first trading session: 10:30 - 12:30 second trading session: 14:30 - 16:30



Year of foundation 1991. Republican Universal Agro-Industrial Commodity Exchange (RUAE) since 1992 is represented in the directory of world exchanges, since 1998 is a member of the Union of Commodity and Food Exchanges of CIS countries.


Kushbegi st, 18
100022 Tashkent city
How to find us
+998 71 250 52 21

+998 71 250 10 05